Kafka's lifelong feelings of inadequacy.
Introvert, smart and genius. These are some of the qualities of the writer Kafka who, in less than half a century of life, created ingenious and fundamental narratives such as The Metamorphosis (1915) and The Process (1925).
Kafka did not have a close relationship with his parents. Therefore, he felt inadequate in front of his peers, he felt that he was not accepted, did not fit and did not belong to that environment, which, according to critics , influenced all his work.
"The Metamorphosis" was written in the autumn of 1912, when Kafka was 9 years old, but was not published until November 1915. In that story Samsa's transformation into an insect represents all the inequality Kafka felt while alive. When Samsa is metamorphosed, he remains himself inside, but outside, all people see is a dirty, disgusting animal that doesn't belong in the family.