the shield darter plot has the least number of sites (15)
Where’s the short stories?
"Like burnt-out candles alongside a sick man's bed" compares something to something else. Whatever it is, it is compared to torches that have burned out. "Like" was used to support the comparison. Its goal is to compare one or more qualities of a burnt-out flame to anything else. Using supporting words is termed simile. They are a fairly frequent figure of speech, like metaphors, except that metaphors do not include support words.
Okay, so I am not going to write this whole thing for you, however I will compare and contrast the two.
Lady Macbeth
She really wants her husband to carry out the murders bc she is thirsty to be queen
Kinda hesitant to do it, questions if he can but let's his wife persuade him into doing it. After murdering Duncan, Macbeth kinda freaks out and leaves the daggers in Duncan's room and Lady Macbeth has to go back and fix her hubby's mistake