B. #
Every preprocessing directive must begin with the # character.
For example:
#define : Used to define a macro
#ifndef : Conditional evaluation of macro
#include : Used to include other preprocessor header file as part of the code
As we can see each of the directives begins with the # character. This is a signal to the preprocessor to interpret the subsequent keyword as a directive.
The fastest way to get help is to type a word or two in the search box. TRUE.
Follow these steps.
1. Make sure that your pc is on.
2. Press your Window key - on your bottom left of your keyboard you will see a window key.
3. After pressing it will show a tab on your bottom left of your monitor.
4. On that tab you will see an (All Programs) text.
5. Click it and it will show all programs available on your pc.
#include <iostream>#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main(){ string chars; // This is where we will put our @ signs and print them for(int x=0;x < 5; x++){
chars = chars + '@'; // This will concatenate an @ sign at the end of the variable cout << chars << "\n"; }}
#include <iostream>#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main(){ string name; // Our variable to store the name cout << "What is your name? \n"; // Asks the user for their name cin >> name; cout << "\nWell, hello " << name << "!";}
#include <iostream>#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main(){ int number; // Our variable cout << "Enter a number\n"; // Asks for a number cin >> number; cout << "You entered " << number << "%!";}
#include <iostream>#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main(){ int number; // Our variable cout << "Enter a number\n"; cin >> number;
int check = number % 2; // The modulo operator (the percent sign) gets the remainder of the quotient if (check == 0) { cout << number << " is even!"; // If the remainder is 0 then it prints out "x is even" } else { cout << number << " is odd!"; // If the remainder is not 0 then it prints out "x is odd" }}
#include <iostream>#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main(){ float r; // Our variable cout << "Enter a radius\n"; cin >> r; if (r < 0){ cout << "Lol. No."; // If the radius is less than zero print out that message } float circumference=2*3.14*r; float area=r*r*3.14; cout << "\n\n Circumference of circle: " << circumference; cout << "\n Area of circle: " << area;}