When somebody writes the answer for your question and posts it on your question it will show a “(crown)mark as brainliest” in blue. click it and it’ll turn yellow and mark the person the brainliest for your question
<em>using System;
<em>public class Program
<em> public static void Main()
<em> {
<em> String input ;
<em> while(true)
<em> {
<em> input = Console.ReadLine();
<em> if(input.Equals(""quit""))
<em> break;
<em> Reverse_String(input);
<em> }
<em> return;
<em> }
<em>static void Reverse_String(string input_text)
<em> char[] text = input_text.ToCharArray();
<em> Array.Reverse(text);
<em> Console.WriteLine(text);
<em>In the above program a separate function is written to reverse the string.</em>
This method takes the string as an argument and place it in a array and then use the built-in function reverse and print the reversed string in the console.
<em>In the main(), the input is obtained from the console and it is passed to the reversestring().
A Savings Vehicle is an effective way to hold your savings. It could be a savings account. But some requires a high minimum balance such as Certificate of Deposit (CD). It is generally issued by commercial banks. It is a time deposit too and restricts you from withdrawing funds.
The environmental and energy problem Kenya faces as far computer installations are concerned can be avoided by
- Knowing and finding out the key aspect of ICT strength.
- Create an holistic judgements in the assessment of ICT capability. Promote the use of solar power.
<h3>How can we overcome ICT challenges?</h3>
There are a lot of Energy Challenges in terms of ICT in Kenyan and it is good the government and the people work towards energy in terms of sustainable ICT.
Therefore, The environmental and energy problem Kenya faces as far computer installations are concerned can be avoided by
- Knowing and finding out the key aspect of ICT strength.
- Create an holistic judgements in the assessment of ICT capability. Promote the use of solar power.
Learn more about computer installations from
Corporal punishment is a discipline method in which a supervising adult, such as a teacher, deliberately inflicts pain upon a child in response to a child's unacceptable behavior or inappropriate language. The goals of this type of punishment are usually to halt the offense immediately, prevent it from happening again, and set an example for others.