The story is narrated by “we,” the townspeople in general, who also play a role in Miss Emily's tragedy. The townspeople respect Miss Emily as a kind of living monument to their glorified but lost pre-Civil War Southern past, but are therefore also highly judgmental and gossipy about her, sometimes hypocritically.
The verb in this sentence is "became" as it indicates the action of the subject (the defendant), which is what he/she did.
Hope this helps!
The Voodoo Macbeth is the nickname provided to the 1936 New York creation of Shakespeare's play- Macbeth. Orson Welles was the one who tailored and directed the play, He stimulated the actions-setting from cold Scotland to an imaginary Caribbean land mass. He employed a completely Black cast. His production received this title for transformed play because of the Haitian voodoo that was used to replace the task of Scottish witchcraft. It was a theatrical sensation.
From the details expressed, it is clear to state that;
"voodoo drums were played during the performance" which assisted in changing the setting of the play from Scotland to a Caribbean island.
Hope this helps!
Yellow= bright, fun, brilliant, sunflower
Green= Earthy, New, Grand, Emerald
Red= Firey, Harsh, Blazing, warm
She is referring to her brother, Polynices, who was killed in the battle known as the Seven Against Thebes. King Creon (or Creonte), who is also Antigone's uncle, is actively preventing her from seeing her brother and ensuring a proper burial.