Burglary refers to the unlawful entry to a building or property to commit theft. In burglary, a victim is not present. A burglary becomes a robbery when there is force or threat used in order to commit theft. A victim/s must also be present.
<h3>communication makes us more familiar with art culture and so on with communication we can contact people who are very far from us.</h3>
<h3>With the existence of transportation we can travel far, for example out of town or on vacation far.</h3>
It’s time for you to write another short essay. This time you have the option to write about any ONE of these topics. Choose the one that is most interesting to you. Write a minimum of 500 words (don’t worry, that’s a lot shorter than it sounds).
Perform internet research outside of these lessons to help you come to your conclusions.
Do you believe that the use of 3D animation has grown in feature films over the last few years? If so, do you think the trend will continue? What are the forces driving this trend?It’s time for you to write another short essay. Write a minimum of 500 words (don’t worry, that’s a lot shorter than it sounds
fun fact I George Washington was our first president