in the past, young artists would study with a master artist to learn from him. They would copy his art in an attempt to gain his skill and wisdom and he was right there guiding them. Art historians are often able to identify these copies, but not always. As a result, there’s sometimes the risk that a collector will purchase an art piece attributed to a master when it was, in fact, his student’s work.
Explanation: The three-finger G, open-string guitar chord: 6th string: Use the 2nd finger to play the 3rd; 5th string: Use the 1st finger to play the 2nd fret. 4th string: Play open. 3rd string: Play open. 2nd string: Play open. 1st string: Use the 3rd finger to play the 3rd fret. The three-finger C, open-string guitar chord: 6th string
In this painting, the artist describes New York City and the restless motion of the city’s life. Inspired by the yellow cabs of New York, the artist has painted most of the lines yellow.
so the Answer is (C.) New York city's cabs
Hope it helps