Now why would I do that sksksksk
The statement is describing the usual difference in trade policy that exists between monarchies and republics.
The excerpt comes from the Spirit of the Laws, by Montesquieu, who was a French philosopher who promoted republicanism and liberalism.
In the text, Montesqueiu is explaining than in monarchies, trade is very restricted, and is usually only allowed for luxury goods like perfums, spices, or silk clothes, because these goods are used by the nobility as a symbol of their power and status.
In monarchies, for the rest of the population, trade is restricted. The common people therefore cannot access goods from abroad, or can only do so at a very high cost.
In republics, Montesquieu says, trade tends to be more open. Merchants become the ones who do most of the trade, guided by their economic ideas. The merchants therefore obtain many goods from abroad, that both the nobility and the commoner can acquire for a lower price.
In conclusion, Montesquieu is using the argument for trade as another reason to support republics over monarchies.
A bible contains the New Testament and the Old Testament.There you go!:)
Trench Warfare was a form of military conflict in which opposing sides fought one another from trenches facing one another. WW1 warfare introduced the first large-scale use of chemical weapons as well as bringing in airplanes and tanks for the first time.
U.S. Commodore Matthew Perry opened American trade relations with Japan in 1854. President Theodore Roosevelt brokered a 1905 peace treaty in the Russo-Japanese War that was favorable to Japan. The two signed a Commerce and Navigation Treaty in 1911. Japan had also sided with the U.S., Great Britain, and France during World War I.
During that time, Japan also embarked on forming an empire modeled after the British Empire. Japan made no secret that it wanted economic control of the Asia-Pacific region.
By 1931, however, U.S.-Japanese relations had soured. Japan's civilian government, unable to cope with the strains of the global Great Depression, had given way to a militarist government. The new regime was prepared to strengthen Japan by forcibly annexing areas in the Asia-Pacific. It started with China.