<em>The right order of steps you should take to repare the laptop is: D A C B</em>
<em>D. Ask yourself if the laptop is still under warranty: Because they will replace the board for you or give you a new machine.</em>
<em>A. Ask yourself if replacing the motherboard will cost more than purchasing a new laptop: since technology evolve every day, you might consider buying a new faster, better, advanced machine.</em>
<em>C. Find the service manual to show you how to replace the motherboard: the support assistence will guide you trhough the right way of replacing the board.</em>
<em>B. Find a replacement motherboard: choose the specific one or maybe try to find a better model, that can improve your computer performance.</em>
A computer ___Task__ is a text file that a computer can understand
The following code is written in Java. It creates the interface/prototype, the function, and the main method call. The function takes in the three int parameters, adds them, and then checks if the sum equals zero, outputting the correct boolean value. Output can be seen in the picture attached below. Due to technical difficulties I had to add the code as a txt file below.
True it usually shows up with a blue underline
EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer) was the successor to ENIAC, was binary based, and used stored programs, and was also designed by Eckert and Mauchly, UNIVAC I (UNIVersal Automatic Computer I) was the first commercial computer. It was designed by the same two men who designed ENIAC and EDVAC.