To give debtors from Britain a fresh start
1. They won the support and loyalty of the noble families, whether through conciliatory gestures or by intimidation.
2. They levied taxes to ensure enough revenue during both war and peace and also so that they had to depend less on popular support
3. They established strong ties with the church, which kept the masses compliant
4. They constructed forts and other military structures to establish a good military presence in their monarchies
Law for the Prevention of Genetically Diseased Offspring or "Sterilisation Law" was a statute in Nazi Germany enacted on July 14, 1933, which allowed the compulsory sterilisation of any citizen who in the opinion of a "Genetic Health Court" suffered from a list of alleged genetic disorders – many of which were not, in fact, genetic. The elaborate interpretive commentary on the law was written by three dominant figures in the racial hygiene movement: Ernst Rüdin, Arthur Gütt and the lawyer Falk Ruttke. The law itself was based on the American Model Eugenical Sterilization Law developed by Harry H. Laughlin.