el socialismo generalmente propone que la economia debe ser planificada por tanto,los medios de producción deben ser del Estado,quién se encarga además de mediar en los mercados y proteger a la ciudadania tratando de garantizar una situación de justicia social
Country people living in Western Europe
What made them distinctive is the rise of a new social order based around Puritans who were something like extreme Christians. These were the people who burnt people at the stake because of witchcraft and things like that. Many colonies were made to run away from them.
countries that were once apart of british empire
Correct Answer:
D. Did the defendant run the stoplight in his late-model sports car on
Friday afternoon?
A Civil trial is the type where Civil cases involving conflicts between people or institutions such as businesses, are tried to be resolved. <em>A civil case usually begins when one person or business (the "plaintiff") claims to have been harmed by the actions of another person or business (the "defendant") and asks the court for relief by filing a "complaint" and starting a court case.</em>