Be forward-thinking. "You anticipate and look for opportunities that arise," Grubb said. ...
Seek input from others throughout the organization.
Have a long-term focus. ...
Be hands-off. ...
Be willing to take risks. ...
Prioritize your time. ...
Be nimble. ...
Be a life-long learner.
Swing was the first f<span>orm of Jazz that introduced non conventional instruments.
</span><span>Swing uses a strong anchoring rhythm section which supports a lead section that can include brass instruments, including trumpets and trombones, woodwinds including saxophones and clarinets or stringed instruments including violin and guitar; medium to fast tempos; and a "lilting" swing time rhythm. </span>
I one thousand percent support mainly, because, i am friends with people from the Lgbtq+ community, but also it is just the right thing to do. I get that it is an opinion but, i still feel like it is the right thing to do.
theres always an exact opposite for everything and everyone. there's always someone out there thats made for you but you gotta look somewhere else other than brainly. perhaps in your own town?