Children's bodies are different from adults' bodies. They are more likely to get sick or severely injured. They breathe in more air per pound of body weight than adults do. They have thinner skin, and more of it per pound of body weight (higher surface-to-mass ratio).
Society is the common home for all which we need from birth to death and is important to live life in a very comfortable way with participation in many societal works termed as social work for which one should fulfill his duties in order to his responsibilities.
Answer: 1. Physiological needs: breathing, food, water, clothing ,sleep. 2. Safety and security: health, employment, property, family, and social stability 3. Love and belonging: friendship,family, intimacy, and sense of connection 4. Self esteem: confidence, achievement, respect of others 5. Self-actualization: morality, creativity, acceptance, and spontaneity