I believe the correct answer is the emphasis on the
individual choice.
The trait typical of the Romantic era is featured in
Washington Irving’s short story "The Devil and Tom Walker" is
individual choice. In Romantic era, man is in the center of world, he is a free
being with the free choice. This short story is about Tom Walker who sells his
soul to the devil in order to get the buried treasure and he and his wife hoard
things from each other, things that should belong to both of them and be shared
by both of them. This story is regarded as a Faustian tale, the tale of
characters showing their greed and selfishness.
"She said she could play the piano"
Indirect speech isn't quoting the character's exact words but instead reporting what they/she/he said- It is also sometimes called reported speech
reported speech
[reported speech]
a speaker's words reported in subordinate clauses governed by a reporting verb, with the required changes of person and tense (e.g. he said that he would go, based on I will go).Also called indirect speech. Contrasted with direct speech.
Economy growth promotes a higher amount of goods and service the economy produces.