The intercalated cells in the distal convoluted tubule of a nephron can cause and increase or decrease in body pH.
The renal collecting duct is the nephron segment where the final urine content of acid equivalents and inorganic ions are determined.
Two types of cells regulate the acid-base and volume homeostasis.
Intercalated cells, which express acid-base transporters and vacuolar H+-ATPase, maintain an apropriate acid-base balance and principal cells that express the epithelial sodium channel ENaC and aquaporin 2, regulate electrolyte reabsorption.
Filtered bicarbonate is predominantly reabsorbed from the proximal convoluted tubule about 80% and the remaining bicarbonate is reabsorbed from the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle, the distal nephron, specifically the distal convoluted tubule & the connecting tubule, and finally the cortical and both the outer and inner medullary collecting duct.
Intercalated cells are enriched in mitochondria, and express proteins involved in transport of proton equivalents such as vacuolar H+-ATPase, carbonic anhydrase II and bicarbonate transporters. There are two types of intercalated cells Type-A and Type-B.
If the ecosystem is balanced then the population would aslo be balanced, IG its the unbalanced ecosystem which leads to unbalanced population and when its unbalanced then we can say which one would be largest and which one smallest..
The right lymphatic duct drains the right side of the head, neck, and chest wall; it also drains the right lung and the lower half of the left lung, the heart, the dome of the liver, and the right diaphragm via the bronchomediastinal trunk.
Biological is a hierarchical system that arranges biological structures in the order of complexity.
In the given sequence,
- The atom is the simplest and smallest unit
- Molecule-It is made up of two or more atoms
- Organelle-A specialized structure within a cell
- Cell- Is the smallest functioning unit of life and it contains organelles
- Tissue-an assembly of cells that perform a specific function.