I believe the correct answer is: Apollo.
The pediments of the Temple of Zeus at Olympia are some of
the best surviving examples of early Classical Greek sculpture which were
completed in 460 BCE. On the west pediment ('centauromachy' – battle between centaurs
and the Lapiths) Zeus stands in the center on the east and Apollo on the west. But,
Apollo is the deity who brings order to the scene as he is a deity promising to
restore order as the deity of rationality and self-control,
They are addicted to other small sea creatures
B. a Big 10 conference blogger with over 600,000 blog followers
Per Yngve Ohlin was a Swedish metal musician on a band called DEAD who had a spleen ruptured after being beaten up by bullies he was dead for a second but lived again. He is important because he inspired the corpse painting for the genre. I think that he was a great guy and that it was amazing that he survived a spleen rupture.