B. charles lyell
He is associated with the Laws of uniformitarianism and the idea that earth is shaped by natural process operational even today and contrast catastrophism, he is considered a pioneer in climate change and shifting boundaries between oceans and continents. His publications works are on the principles of geology.
The body of water labeled number 3 is Orinoco river.
The body of water labeled number 7 is the Atlantic ocean.
Mountains or other topography
This makes sure the air rises and cools in temperature, but because they cant hold that much of the water they form into clouds.
The Tropic of Cancer is one of the parallels (imaginary line around the Earth parallel to the equator) located in the northern hemisphere (currently its latitude is
It is called "Cancer" because a long time ago, when the summer solstice occurred in the northern hemisphere (on June 20th or 21st), the Sun was in the constellation Cancer (the crab).
Now, if we were just in the North Pole, Polaris would by exactly over our heads (
over the horizon), but as we go south and find the Tropic of Cancer parallel, Polaris altitude will be approximately at an angle of
over the horizon.
Hence, the altitude of Polaris measured by an observer at the Tropic of Cancer is
From East to West
Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, and New Mexico,