Under the Constitution, the president is the federal official that is primarily responsible for the relations of the United States with foreign nations. The president appoints ambassadors, ministers, and consuls (subject to confirmation by the Senate) and receives foreign ambassadors and other public officials
is Jesus truly black
( I already know the answer just want to see what you say )
It was "John Marshall" who established the role of the Supreme Court in judicial review, since he believed that this was a necessary measure in order to ensure a proper system of "checks and balances" in the federal government.
After the war, many soldiers were laid off and they were unappreciated and had their pay cuts drastically reduced
The U.S were making ammunitions to be sold to other allies which was positive and slightly helpful for the economy
Due to President Wilson's choice to join WW1, The federal government did still suffer unbearable losses of money due to the world war itself and hiring military services etc.
The great depression (1914 - 1918) had the largest impact on the American economy since countries like England also relied on the trading with the U.S, because...they had no money to buy new materials and more! High unemployment rates and low prices and wages