The Cold War led to the conflict because the world was divided between two ideologies during the Cold War: socialism and capitalism. The capitalist countries were led by the Americans, who became one of the major world powers in the 1940s. On the other side, the socialist countries were led by the Soviets who also represented a strong economy in the world.
The United States to achieve political alliances developed a policy of financing the reconstruction of the defeated countries in World War II. Among the policies developed by the Americans to contain the socialist advance was the Marshall Plan, created by Secretary of State George Marshall, with the main objective of designing alliances against the Soviet regime.
The Soviet Union also carried out political practices with the aim of increasing the socialist advance. The Kominform was a political group charged with strengthening the ties between the major socialist political parties in the world. Moreover, its purpose was also to prevent the growth of the capitalist system, the main competitor in the struggle for world sovereignty. This anti-capitalist policy of the Soviets became known as the Iron Curtain, symbolizing the countries that were part of socialism.
Cold War set the scenario for wars all over the world by supporting allies from each one of the parties with resources, sometimes military ones, ending up initiating or scaling conflicts.
Cold War set the scenario for wars by supporting allies from each one of the parties, capitalists and communists, with resources, sometimes military ones, ending up initiating or scaling conflicts.
We can say that Cold War was mostly a political war between United States and the Soviet Union, but it is also true they supported countries that did were involved in wars and sometimes get directly involved sending resources and troops, for example, Korean war and Vietnam War as the most well known events. This is how a war that has been labaled as cold did involve active wars.