A. the world in spatial terms
The world in spatial terms refers to the geographical locations and points of various places. It gives informations about territorial boundaries etc.
This is why A geographer who studies the locations of things that are happening in cities most often uses the essential elements of geography known as the world in spatial terms.
Reliable sources
- Recent statistics and information
- Author and source listed
- .gov or .eud sites
UNreliable sources
- 20 year old statistics
- No author or sources listed
- .com or .net
That she got wet from the water that was once inside the bucket. the evidence would be the she has an empty bucket that is wet on the inside.
La Revolución Francesa también influyó en la política estadounidense, ya que las facciones pro y antirrevolucionarias buscaron influir en la política nacional y exterior estadounidense. ... Sin embargo, con el cambio revolucionario también vino la inestabilidad política, la violencia y los llamados a un cambio social radical en Francia que asustó a muchos estadounidenses.