Population growth is a problem.
Population is a problem because we have to worry about if we have enough resources to support them and there has been a scientific study done that proves more carbon dioxide is put into the air which doesn't help with air pollution.
I would suggest November but it actually depends on where you live (a spring month would be good for most states)
Cuando la tasa de natalidad supera con creces la tasa de mortalidad, la población se dispara. Duplicar el tiempo es la cantidad de tiempo que tarda una cantidad en duplicarse y se utiliza en demografía para proyectar cambios futuros en el tamaño de la población.
A key finding from this work was that job creation in the United States was not coming from large companies, but small independently owned businesses. It recommended that government policy should target indirect rather than direct strategies with a greater focus on the role of small firms. Over the past 35 years the level of government interest in entrepreneurship and small business development as potential solutions to flagging economic growth and rising unemployment has increased. It helped to spawn a new field of academic study and research.