Through military attacks and threats.
The European nations such as Britain, France, Germany, and Russia were able to take control of China through spheres of influence by using "military attacks and threats and in turn to sign unequal treaties and long term land leases.
Starting from the late 19th century to the early 20th century, France took over the sphere in Southwest China, Germany took Shandong Province, Russian took the northern part of the Great wall, while Britain tool over the whole Yangtze River valley
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Lisa’s best friend Sue
I would say the ash and gas coming from it you can get really sick if you inhale to much if it
<span> PNEUMONOULTRAMICROSCOPICSILICOVOLCANOKONIOSIS</span><span> - lung disease from breathing to much volcanic dust
El término archipiélago, en geografía, caracteriza una formación geológica que consiste en una cadena o grupo desarrollado de islas.
Los archipiélagos se encuentran generalmente en alta mar, aunque en algunos casos se encuentran adyacentes a grandes volúmenes de tierra. Los archipiélagos son a menudo volcánicos, se forman a lo largo de fallas oceánicas o en áreas con actividad volcánica activa, sin embargo, otros procesos geológicos como la deposición, desintegración y elevación del suelo están involucrados en el proceso de formación.
distance and angle such that points equally distant from a fixed. point lie on a line and lines making a given angle with a fixed line pass. through a point. On account of this property we have called this. distance linear.