My teacher has authority. My teacher has absolute authority because they are in charge of their classroom. They run the show and I would never look to the internet to find answers to answer their questions as that is pretty lazy, especially when my teacher would definitely be willing to help me if I asked for it. So for that reason, I believe my teacher has absolute authority.
The state which chose not to vote on accepting the Declaration of Independence was New York.
Option "C" is the correct option.
Explanation: Intellectual property are the things we create from the mind. They can be art work, literal work or symbols which we use in commerce.
In the industry, intellectual property are those trademark,industrial design, location of the industry, and many others.
This can be a possible advantage for a competition in a business, but not the best form of competition. When we create an attracting trademark that distinguish us from others, it makes our product to stand out as a unique one among others. It also makes one to be able to define the company, for instance if you see a Coca-Cola symbol it makes you remember the taste of Coca-Cola, and you may want to feel the taste again, when placed with a choice with other products.
violet to red
buttom of the rainbow to the top
violet - indigo - blue - green - yellow - orange - red
Only one in two Americans oil drilled back then
One-in-two Americans are ready to drill for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) to lessen the country’s dependence on foreign oil, but they’re not nearly so willing to drive 55.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 50% of Adults believe the United States should produce more domestic oil by allowing drilling in the ANWR, an issue that Congress has debated for years. Thirty-five percent (35%) oppose drilling in the refuge, while 14% are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)