I took the test....Good Luck!
It was fought between the British colonies and France colonies in New France. So I would say France
Answer: The relationship between the American Colonies and Great Britain were changed economically and politically after the seven years’ war (1756-1763). The conclusion of the war led to more events that began with The British Empire restriction on the expansion on settlings of colonists towards the states that were abandoned by the French colonies.
How local land shall be used—for agriculture, recreation, housing, industry, small business, and so on—and the extent to which larger areas or the state should be involved in land-use decision-making is a contentious matter best left to local communities to decide.
Randall Collins recommend to reform the American educational
system ts that they should have it to be considered as illegal in terms with how the the employers are likely to
engage of having to ask the individuals in regards with their educational
credentials by which it is not even necessary.