The 14th Amendment.
The thirteenthy amendment freed the slaves, the fourteenth amendment provinded citizenship to all people born in the United States, and the 15th amendment gave righting votes to all men.
I remember this by this handy acronym:
13-- Free
14-- Citizens
15-- Vote.
Most famous of the governors, Peter Stuyvesant, was also the most headstrong and shortsighted.… …of the Dutch period was Peter Stuyvesant, director general of New Netherland in 1647–64. In 1658 Peter Stuyvesant, Dutch governor of New Netherland, established the settlement of Nieuw Haarlem
The International Court of Justice is the main judicial organ of the United Nations settling disputes between member states and providing advisory opinions .
It's inflation. But anyways, the answer is C. Real
The phrase “in real terms” is used to show how measures such as economic growth, savings or wages change after inflation, while “nominal terms” is used when the adjustment has not been made. Changing terms to real enables comparison of quantities as if the prices never changed. Changes in nominal value, on the other hand, reflect at least in part the effect of inflation.