Correlation 1 between income & number of years in school is moderate positive. Correlation 2 between number of close friends & depression level is moderate negative correlation.
Correlation is a statistical measure showing relationship between variables' direction of movement. It lies between 0 &1.
Positive Correlation means variables move in same direction, one variable increase implies other variable increase & vice versa.
Correlation 1 between income & number of years in school is positive correlation. So, higher income implies more years in school & vice versa.
Negative Correlation means variables move in opposite direction, one variable decrease implies other variable increase & vice versa.
Correlation 2 between number of close friends & depression level is negative correlation. So, more close friends imply lower depression level & vice versa.
Correlation 1 is moderate positive correlation (between 0.25 & 0.75). Correlation 2 is also moderate negative correlation (between -0.25 & -0.75)
"abnormal" means "not normal" - so it can mean "not standard" -therefore if someone is developing at a different rate than most of the people you could say that they are not developing in a standard way - so you could say that they are developing abnormally. The sentence is correct, although it might not be the best word to use.
Spain's motivations to colonize Mexico and different provinces were getting new land, assets, and to spread Christianity. As they vanquished Mexico, they got new land. Spain pillaged heaps of assets from their settlements, opened up exchange and get benefits and spread Christianity.
consumer, worker, and citizen