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You can drink it cold or warm, but it still remains chocolate milk, it is not dependent on temperature. Hot chocolate is cocoa powder, sugar, salt, mixed into water, and then heated. Then, milk or half and half is added. More cocoa than in chocolate milk, and also, water, which isn't in chocolate milk.
Have a great day/night and stay safe!
The storyteller utilizes the analogy "Similarly as the day breaks to the forlorn and houseless poor person who wanders the boulevards all through the long destroy winter night—just so delinquently—just so tediously—just so brightly." The storyteller proposes that it appears to be so desolate and you feel so powerless when you come back to awareness when you discover that you have been covered alive.
Emphasis, Dominance and Focal Point.
Harmony and Unity.
Repetition, Rhythm and Pattern.
Proportion and Scale.
Variety and Variation
Because I am taking art and im really good at art and i passing that class