Which do you think would be the hardest pillar to fulfill.
<span>1.Shahadah - Declaration of faith </span>
<span>2.Salah - Prayer [5 prayers a day] </span>
<span>3.Zakah - Charity [Giving 2.5% to a charity] </span>
<span>4.Sawn - Fasting </span>
<span>5.Hajj - Pilgrimage. </span>
<span>For me it would be Hajj cause I don't like traveling. </span>
<span>Also in todays society and where I live , Salah would be pretty hard to follow as well. </span>
<span>I'm not posting this Q to waste time by the way.Its Homework for R.S</span>
Chuck's symptoms characterize catatonia. Catatonic schizophrenia involves bodily symptoms-stiffness or excessive motor activity and taking of unusual body positions. Person with catatonia can, for example, to stand on one leg for hours without moving, which is to a normal person impossible.
Or people based on common features,traits o rcharacteris
It’s parties
Because we refer to the democrats and republicans as political parties