The height wind waves or waves generated by the wind are surface waves that occur on the surface of oceans, lakes, rivers, seas and canals etc. Waves can travel thousands of miles before reaching land. They range in size from small ripples to over 100 foot high. They are dependent on the following three things:
1. Wind speed - the height of waves is dependent on the speed of the wind. The faster the wind, the higher the waves and vice versa. 2. Wind direction - the height of waves is dependent on whether the wind is blowing offshore or onshore. Offshore winds blow from the land onto the sea so tend to cause bigger waves3. Storm winds in a cyclone or hurricane. These winds travel in circles around the eye of the storm and are usually very high in intensity. Depending on the intensity of the wind and the speed at which the wind is travelling, the wave height will differ.
im pre sure its genetic mutation
coz it changes the genes in the organism
The terms include Agonist which are directly involved in movement.
fixator which eliminate unwanted movement, neutralizer which prevent unwanted movement,Antagonist which opposes the movement of a joint by producing torgue and Stabilizer which stabilizes the humeral head in the glenoid flossa.
The correct answer is- facilitated diffusion
In facilitated diffusion molecules(solutes) are moved from area having a high concentration of solute towards the area having low solute concentration through a semipermeable membrane with the help of specific proteins is called facilitated diffusion.
As molecules move along the concentration gradients so no energy consumption is required in facilitated diffusion. Transport proteins like channel proteins are used to transport the molecules across the cell.
The rate of transport is higher in facilitated diffusion than simple diffusion. Polar and charged molecules can be diffused by facilitated diffusion.