sensory overload
Sensory overload is known to occur when one or more senses of the body are over stimulated. This means that the input from the senses is actually more than what the brain can sort through and process.
In this case, Alba rarely process the messages that she was exposed to because the information that is coming from the senses to the brain is more than what her brain can sort through and process. This means that her senses are over stimulated, and it is being referred to as sensory overload.
Note that, removing or excusing oneself from the situation, focusing on the body, and staying off the sources of the information are ways to treat over stimulation.
According to the Hebrew tradition, embodied in the Old Testament texts, God made a pact with the Jewish people, by which he gave them the tables of the law that contained the 10 commandments, which had to be fulfilled by the Jewish people, in exchange of God leading them to the Promised Land, Israel. According to the biblical texts, God appeared before Moses, who was the representative of the Jewish people before the divinity, and the intermediary between the will of God and the will of the people.
a) whose leaders remai. Uninvolved in secular affairs
A hawk building its nest on an arm of a saguaro cactus is an example of commensalism