He fought the army during wwi
The tapestry depicts the series of events culminating to the Norman conquest of England. It concerns William, Duke of Normandy, and Harold, Earl of Wessex, who was later King of England, at the Battle of Hastings,which ended with the death of the latter.
Well in this country we define citizens as anyone being born as United States citizens as being natural born. They can be from any country and their child may be a citizen of the U.S. This can be controversial but ultimately it does very little for anyone to do this and if so can lead to some conflict on federal or state terms. Besides that you can be a citizen even if you were not born in the US this is either done by immigrating legally and passing various tests or by having one parent be an American citizen. Either or is acceptable.
The correct answer is A. Jeremy
The graph represents the speed at which Kevin walks with a speed of 23 miles every two hours, that is, in one hour Kevin travels 11.5 miles since he walks at a constant speed. On the other hand, Jeremy walks at a constant speed of 15 miles per hour, so Jeremy in two hours travels 30 miles. In four hours Jeremy travels 60 miles while Kevin travels 46 miles.
So the correct answer is A. Jeremy.
Nông dân là lực lượng tham gia đông đảo nhất trong phong trào dân tộc, dân chủ ở Việt Nam đầu thế kỉ XX. Sau chiến tranh thế giới thứ nhất, Pháp thực hiện cuộc khai thác thuộc địa lần thứ hai (1919 - 1929) đã làm cho xã hội Việt Nam có sự biến đổi.