In the past we have always had a deep attachment for the ways of China and all of our institutions have been modeled upon those
of T'ang. But our country occupies a different geographical location and our people's character is different from that of the Chinese. Hence, there is no reason to strain ourselves unreasonably to copy the Chinese way. [Mongolia] is a nation of savage beasts, and its language and customs are also different. Its dress and institutions should never be copied. How does this passage give evidence of Wang’s opinion of cultural borrowing?
Sample response: This passage shows that Korean leaders made choices about what to borrow and from whom. The passage says that Wang saw China as a model and worthy of respect and borrowing. It also says that Korea did not want to copy China exactly but instead wanted to develop its own culture.
The cultural borrowing is defined as an “imitation” of actions or habits between two or more social groups through contact, or information exposure.
In this passage of Wang Kŏn, we can appreciate his opinion about the national identity. Over the years, Corea was under the influence of countries such as China that is why it was customary to follow its models as a reference in many fields (economic, institutional, political, etc.). Then arose the Wang' statement, who said this behavior was illogical because their situation was very different, his nation has other factors such as geographical location and type of population that make unjustified to pretend to do the same as other cultures.
Many young men were excited when the war broke out since; they could join the army and do something for their country to make them proud or become 'heros'.