It was monotheistic.
Monotheistic involves the belief that there is only one God. This is the general principle and philosophy of the religion of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. This is different from other religions which practice polytheistic religion which is the belief that there are many gods.
Christianity and Islam came after Judaism but the religions which existed before Judaism includes Zoroastrianism and Buddhism. The religions were both polytheistic.
Answer: If you are talking about WWl then it was decisive because they had to stop the French from taking over
2.By 476 AD, Christianity had spread to most of the Roman Empire, and, in some cases, past those boundaries.
Emperor Constantine the Great was kind to Christians. He understood the strength of the new faith and understood that Rome would also become strong if it had the support of the new church. That is why in 313 he passed the Edict of Milan. The Edict of Milan equated Christianity with paganism, so Christians were allowed to preach their religion freely. It took Christianity less than a century after the Edict of Milan to become the only official religion of the Roman Empire. Respect for the pagan gods was banned by Emperor Theodosius I in 391 AD.
3. along the coasts of the Roman Empire
Before the Edict of Milan Christians were punished and persecuted, Christians were especially severely persecuted in the 3rd century - they were tortured, crucified, burned. The last emperor to support persecution was Diocletian. That is why the areas they were covering were not so wide.
4. Mountains made this region difficult to access.
Already during the reign of Julius Caesar Romans started conquering the region of Gaul, but in the same period Hispania was one of their goals. Still, a small area between was hard to reach because of the mountainous terrain.
Before the Spanish arrived, the Navajo raided the Pueblos Then, they learned to farm for themselves. The Navajo got goats and sheep from Spanish settlements and they developed the art of weaving. Growing their own food helped to make them self-sufficient and learning to weave gave them a product to trade with the Spanish and the Pueblos.
//Your welcome ;)//
Unity. Clay hoped that the federal government would create a market-driven economy that would help unify the nation's various regions. For example, stimulating the nation's infant industries would, in turn, create more demand for the West's raw materials.