The fugitive slave act of 1793 authorized local governments to recapture escaped slaves and imposed laws restricting the aiding of runaway slaves. This act was provised in 1850 “compromise of 1850” forcing locals to aid in the capturing of slaves and denied the right of slaves to have a trial by jury. The aiding of escaped slaves was also punished more than in the first act
Others worked as artisans or in shipping and various trades in the city.also used in farming on Long Island and in the Hudson Valley, as well as the Mohawk Valley region. During the American Revolutionary War, the British troops occupied New York City in 1776.
C) The creation of colonial-controlled legislatures
Part of the 1774 Coercive Acts (known by the colonists as the Intolerable Acts) was the Massachusetts Government Act, which repealed the Massachusetts Bay Colony's right to elect its own legislature, in effect turning it into a royal colony. Thomas Gage was made the royal governor and instituted martial law within the colony. Also, under these acts, many of the provisions of the Quartering Act, which had been repealed earlier, were put back into place. The Administration of Justice Act allowed trials to be held in locations outside of the area where the crime took place. Furthermore, the Boston Harbor was closed until the damages caused by the Boston Tea Party were repaid.
I am sorry if I got it wrong
I am not sure I'm very sorry I wish you best of luck
I hope you get it done by Thursday