Middle Ages (also called Dark Ages) – Lasted from the 5th to the 14th century. It began with the collapse of the Western Roman Empire and merged into the Renaissance<span>and the </span>Age<span> of Discovery.</span>
The second Great Awakening is B<span>.
a time of religious revival in the early 1800s.</span>
The Big Stick Diplomacy was implemented by Theodore Roosevelt and was a policy of intervenience in Latin American affairs because in the American view those countries could not keep their affairs in order.
The Dollar Diplomacy adopted by President Taft that promoted the American business interests abroad by replacing military alliances with economic ties, increasing American influences and securing lasting peace.
Both Diplomacies had problems but historians say that Roosevelt’s Big Stick was more successful overall because it resulted in more benefits than failures. The other two diplomacies increased hostility in Latin America and in Asia that eventually influenced the Alliances in WWI.
We as citizens of the United States want to establish the Constitution of the of the United States of America with the purposes of; forming a perfect union within all the states, establishing justice and fairness for everyone, ensuring tranquility, providing defence and welfare for every single person, and lastly, securing liberty and prosperity for the entire nation.