Like this? If this is good, I can give you the song names in order:
Sometimes I don't wanna be happy
Some days, things just take way too much of my energy
I just wanna have a good day
Ain't got no tears left to cry
I got plenty of roommates and they're all in my mind
When you are young, they assume you know nothing
When I hear your voice, I know I'm finally free
And you're right here by my side
All i have is myself at the end of the day
They can't steal the love you're born to find
Elon John on the photo of rocketman
Geometric shapes organic shapes
ORGANIC: shapes, often curvilinear in appearance, that are similar to those found in nature, such as plants, animals, and rocks. GEOMETRIC: any shapes and based on math principles, such as a square, circle, and triangle.
Answer:the last one is going to be my new profile pic lol