An electron cloud is the region of negative charge surrounding an atomic nucleus that is associated with an atomic orbital. It is defined mathematically, describing a region with a high probability of containing electrons.
Turn off the lights when not in use, turn off all appliances when not used, remove your phone from the charger when its at full charge, heaters and air conditioners should be turned off when not in use, and using a regular sharpener rather than an electric one. Hope this helps. :)
science that studies living things
it includes plants and animals so basically anything that has life
An advantage allowing the seed plant to greatly surpass the seedless vascular plants in colonizing the land was the evolution of air-dispersed sperm in pollen grains.<span>P</span>ollen is produced by the g<span>ymnosperms (and flowering plants as well) </span>as a package for the dispersal<span> of </span>sperm.