Brachial plexus. The brachial plexus is a group of nerves that control the muscles of the shoulder, arm, forearm, and hand.
Definitely the flood. If a wire snaps or something, and comes into contact with the water, it can electrocute anyone who comes in contact with the surrounding water.
Use your townships website to find rescources and you can find a brochure template online. I have attached my project as an example
make sure to include things such as the mission and description of the services.
The answer to the question: Which statement by the mother indicates the need for further teaching, would be, 3. "My child can swim in the lake or pool as long as the water is not too deep."
Myringotomy with insertion of tymbanoplasty tubes is a surgical procedure in which, with the use of a myringotomy knife, the tympanic membrane is cut open with a small incision to allow fluid trapped in the middle ear to fow out. In order to allow further fluid to flow out of the ear, and for proper aireation of the site, small tubes known as tympanic tubes will be placed into the incision. Because of the very purpose of the procedure, and the reasons why it was done, having the mother of this child say that she may allow her child to swim in water, regardless of the depth of it, especially lake and pool water which are not sterile, shows that she does not understand the reasoning behind the procedure and must be further taught to prevent an infection to the ear and to prevent damage of the surgery.
Answer: Nicotine.
Explanation:A major ingredient in tobacco and tobacco smoke is Nicotine!