its not being addressed thats the problem
The correct answer is B). A father tells his young son what happened on the day that he met the boys mother.
Answer:B) Thrown.
Explanation: We know that it’s not “Grown” or “Gathered” given the context. If you replace the word “Strewn” in the sentence with the word “Blown,” that doesn’t make sense either. Because it doesn’t make sense that hay would be “blown” and scattered for ferocious animals. However, hay would be “thrown” and scattered for ferocious animals.
T<span>o say Jeannette Walls had a rough childhood, filled with its fair share of hardships, would be quite the understatement.</span>
TAREAS GRAMATICALES SOBRE LOS PASADOS1. Con estas unidades vamos a aprender tres tiempos del español: el pretérito perfecto (he sido), el ... Como has visto en la Tarea 2, para formar el perfecto en un verbo se usa el presente del ... 4. Como leer se conjugan los verbos que terminan en –eer: proveer, etc.