Great Britain is the uppermost outlined box, below that is France, the 2nd to last one is United States, and the lowest one is The Netherlands.
For the Song students to do well on their examinations in civil service, they typically prepared to master the specific forms of composition which also includes poetry. The civil service examinations also known as the public tendering, are examinations that are being implemented in different countries for admission and recruitment to the civil service.
The traditional Native American ceremonial ways can vary widely and are based on the differing histories and beliefs of individual tribes, clans, and bands. Early European explorers describe individual Native American tribes and even small bands as each having their own religious practices. Theology may be monotheistic, polytheistic, henotheistic, animistic, or some combination thereof. Traditional beliefs are usually passed down in the forms of oral histories, stories, allegories, and principles, and rely on face to face teaching in one's family and community.
Similarities: all colonies had conflicts with indians, tried to convert them into christianity, they tried to built empires and got large amounts of land.
diffrences: they had different reasons to immigrate in North america, they all establish they own form of goverment, the french made peace with the indians, and the english settlers had more economic opportunities