Danger is a situation whereby a person is seriously at risk of getting hurt or killed. It is that particular time when the adrenaline speeds to the highest informing there is a very fearful situation.
Facing danger is a determination which can be accomplished when one sees the need to conquer and before this is done one has to decide to make a move in taking the risk to surmount that which posses a threat against him. Fear remains the poor chisel to carve out the future, and this has been a limiting factor while many are afraid of conquering. Boldly confronting your fear which invariable presents itself dangerous to you with utmost determination to destabilize it is a very vital move which must be make if danger or dangerous situations must be eliminated. Therefore determination, confrontation and attacking that which presents itself as your fear and a dangerous situation makes you a conqueror.
Women in space have been present and active since the beginning of human spaceflight. The first woman flew to space in 1963, two years after the first person, but it was not until almost 20 years later that more would be sent.
Since then a considerable number of women from a range of countries have worked in space, though overall women are still significantly less often chosen to go to space than men and represent by 2020 only 10% of all astronauts who have been to space.By 2021 most of the 65 women who have been to space, have been United States citizens, with missions on the Space Shuttle and on the International Space Station. Other countries have had one (United Kingdom, France, South Korea, Italy) or two (USSR, Canada, Japan, Russia, China) women citizens in space, taking part in missions of programs with human spaceflight capability.
Additionally one dual Iranian-US woman citizen has participated as tourist on an US mission. It has even been concluded that women might be better suited for longer space missions.[3] The main obstacle for women to go to space remains gender discrimination.
Ms. Dietrich will take the company car because it's bigger than hers.
The sentence that is punctuated correctly is the third option.
This is because, "it's" is properly used as it means "it is" and also the use of the pronoun "hers" is properly used.
In May 1944, the Nazis deported 15-year-old Wiesel and his family to Auschwitz, a concentration camp in Poland. Wiesel's mother and the youngest of his three sisters died at Auschwitz, while he and his father later were moved to another camp, Buchenwald, located in Germany.