Ergonomia (sau factorii umani) este disciplina științifică preocupată de înțelegerea interacțiunilor dintre om și alte elemente ale unui sistem și profesia care aplică teorie, principii, date și metode pentru a proiecta pentru a optimiza bunăstarea umană și în general performanta sistemului."
- low = 10
- high = 50
- count = 0
- for i in range(low, high + 1):
- if(i % 3 == 0 and i % 5 == 0):
- count += 1
- print(count)
The solution code is written in Python.
We can create low and high variables to store the lower bound and upper bound in the range (Line 1-2)
Next create a counter variable, count (Line 3).
Use a for loop to traverse through the number between lower bound and upper bound and check if the current number-i is divisible by 3 and by 5, increment the count by one.
After the loop, print the count and we can get the number of ideal integers within the range (Line 8).
<span>editing the image file in a dedicated photo editing program before inserting it</span>
Ctrl + *
Non-printing characters are the characters that are not displayed at the time of printing of an document or a spreadsheet. This is used for designing a content
The few are examples like non-breaking space, the pilcrow etc
The shortcut to show or hide the non-printing characters is Ctrl + * i.e Contorl + Star
So press these two keys we can see the non-printing characters