Logic for a program
//Here ind = index
//declare the number
number ind
number sum
number avg
number SIZE = 20
number num[SIZE] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
while ind < SIZE
ind = 0
sum = 0
cout<< “Enter a number for position ”, ind
input numbers[ind]
sum = sum + numbers[ind]
ind = ind + 1
avg = sum/SIZE
ind = 0
while ind < SIZE
output numbers[ind], avg – numbers[index]
ind = ind + 1
Modify the program in 2a
number index
number sum
number avg
number actualSize
number SIZE = 10
number number[SIZE] = 0
Animation or C your welcome my friend
This was really useful in determining one's location during the times when technology wasn't that advanced yet. First is that it depends as to what time of the day is it being used. If used at day, most probably at high noon, the altitude of the sun would be measured and recorded and/or remembered. Most of the times, the latitude is determined during the day since it is much easier. At night, a star of known declination will be substituted to the sun. Most of the times, the North Star is used. Then, an almanac will be utilized to determine the declination of the Sun or the star, depending on which was used. After which, the formula is applied, which is latitude = 90 degrees - measured altitude +declination.
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hmm you could talk about your dailylife , or stuff you like to do etc do what you like <3 , if you like art you could do that to!
Can someone give me a simple topic for a website? please be creative make it simple! and fun for brainliest