13, unless there it more to it :)
The United States about multiplied from<em> 299,000 of every 1980 to 536,000 out of 1990, and again to 989,000 out of 2000, arriving at 2.1 million of every 2016.</em>
By 1869, the ethnic <em>Chinese population in the U.S. numbered at least 100,000.</em>
The U.S. Asian populace is various. A record 20 million Asian Americans follow their foundations to in excess of 20 nations in East and Southeast <em>Asia and the Indian subcontinent, each with extraordinary narratives, societies, dialects and different attributes. </em>
The cutting edge migration wave from Asia has represented one-fourth of all outsiders who have landed in the U.S. since 1965. <em>Today 59% of the U.S. Asian populace was conceived in another nation. That offer ascents to 73% among grown-up Asians.</em>
The attorney general I believe who started the "red scare" is Robert K.Murray.
You can go to this site to get information on red scare and those involved.
conflicts in France between Protestants and Roman Catholics. The spread of French Calvinism persuaded the French ruler Catherine de Médicis to show more tolerance for the Huguenots, which angered the powerful Roman Catholic Guise family. Its partisans massacred a Huguenot congregation at Vassy (1562), causing an uprising in the provinces. Many inconclusive skirmishes followed, and compromises were reached in 1563, 1568, and 1570. After the murder of the Huguenot leader Gaspard II de Coligny in the Massacre of Saint Bartholomew’s Day (1572), the civil war resumed. A peace compromise in 1576 allowed the Huguenots freedom of worship. An uneasy peace existed until 1584, when the Huguenot leader Henry of Navarre (later Henry IV) became heir to the French throne. This led to the War of the Three Henrys and later brought Spain to the aid the Roman Catholics. The wars ended with Henry’s embrace of Roman Catholicism and the religious toleration of the Huguenots guaranteed by the Edict of Nantes (1598).