Some by asking for loans from other countries or they also raised taxes to their citizens to pay for it ( which is what America did)
d.) "Landowners and farmers provide the foundation for the economy, not merchants and manufacturers."
Thomas Jefferson was the one of the most influential diplomate of the United States of America. He served as the President of the US, from year 1801 to year 1809. He was also known as the Founding Father of the United States of America. He authored the for the America.
He supported the farmers and said that they were the backbone of America' economy. The landowners as well as the farmers, they provide the foundation for the economy of the country and no the merchants and the manufacturers.
Hence, the correct option is (d).
Weather condictions can make woriors slip and fall
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Option: B. The price of beef dropped due to oversupply.
The majority of the West turned into ranching because of the geographical condition. Ranching became possible because of cowboys who helped in herded cattle, took care of the horses and repaired fences and buildings. As the ranching began to thrive, it started to have its negative impact. The railroad helped beef to supply in the East to a larger extent. All this also led the prices of meat to drop.