People lost faith in the Communist party.
The correct answer is - the Atlantic Ocean.
If South and Southeast Asia are excluded, then the moistest places on the Earth are influenced by the Atlantic Ocean. This places are the Amazon basin, the Caribbean islands, southern half of Central America, the east coast of North America, Western Africa, Ireland, and the British Islands. All of this places are very moist and it is a direct result of the Atlantic Ocean which has warm and moist currents that deliver the moisture in all of this places.
False. I think it will be smaller, we are ruining this world with global warming, fossil fuels and etc. New diseases like Zika, are starting, less cures, and some might become deadly.
There is overwhelming evidence that human activities, especially burning fossil fuels, are leading to increased levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which in turn amplify the natural greenhouse effect, causing the temperature of the Earth's atmosphere, ocean.
Standards of living in Western European Contries are higher than the world average because the GDP Per Capita of Western European Countries is higher than the world average.
Standards of living in Western European Countries are also high because the governments of these countries offer many social services, either free, or at low costs.
Western European Countries are mostly peaceful, with only very localized crime and violence.
Finally, Western European Countries developed very fast during the latter half of the XX century, but economic growth has stagnated in recent decades.