Palestine is a region in Western Asia which is usually including, Israel, the western bank, the Gaza Strip, and parts of Western Jordan. A Two-state solution is to the Israeli Palestinian conflict, an Independent state of Palestine alongside the state of Israel, west of Jordan River. The boundary b/n the two states is subject to dispute and negotiation with Palestinian and Arab leadership insisting on the 1967 boarders which were not accepted by Israel.
a a new government
they established for commanderies which were Lelang, Linton, Xuantu, and Zhejiang commanderies.
The answer might be a. depending on the place
Ahmad Shukeiri was the first Chairman of the PLO Executive Committee from 1964 to 1967. In 1967, he was replaced by Yahia Hammuda. Yasser Arafat occupied the function from 1969 until his death in 2004. He was succeeded by Mahmoud Abbas (also known as Abu Mazen).