The system of money in America between 1776 and 1789 was a hodgepodge.
It consisted of British, French, Continental, and Spanish currencies,
and base metals or gold and silver. After Spain entered the war on the
side of the United States, the standard currency became the Spanish
dollar. Still, other currencies were accepted. After the war ended, The
United States went on a gold standard and the government stopped issuing
paper currency, but individual banks issued paper currency.
It was conquered by Muslim invaders.
Zimbabwe was conquered by the British when the British South Africa Company of Cecil Rhodes, a mining magnate, arrived in the country in the 1880s and began to take over labor, mineral resources and lands from the natives. The nation, then, was not conquered by Muslims. In fact, nowadays, Muslims represent only about 0,7% of the population, while around 84% of the population are Christians.
<span>b. They were used to pay the Spanish.</span>
"The Articles of Confederation served as the written document that established the functions of the national government of the United States after it declared independence from Great Britain."
Less trade, more criticism and war.