Troy and Cory's father-son relationship succumbs to its first major blow while working together on Rose's fence. The blow to their relationship is not yet a physical affront, but an irreconcilable difference. Cory has taken care of insuring his job at the A&P for after football season and gets good grades in school, but Troy does not acknowledge these responsible acts. Instead, Troy only sees the ways Cory does not live up to Troy's vision of how Cory should live his life. Troy's hypocrisy becomes evident to Cory over the course of his conversation with Troy as they build the fence.
The beginning of their talk displays a friendly competition aspect of their relationship. Troy and Cory argue about the purchasing of a television versus a new roof in good spirits. Troy is typically stubborn and takes the pragmatic view on the television issue, again emphasizing his inability to empathize with anyone else's lofty dreams but his own. However, in a moment of compassion, Troy relents and offers Cory a fair deal. In this moment, Troy is his most laudable. Cory's persistent, logical and persuasive argument for a television affects Troy. It is notable that Troy does not go head over heels and offer to buy Cory the television, but his proposal is fair and balanced. By offering to pay half if Cory can come up with half of the money, Troy emphasizes the kind of responsibility-instilling parenting he believes in that encourages Cory's work ethic, while supporting his son in realizing a dream. On the flip side, when their argument hits closer to home with the topic of sports, Troy transforms his fair and supportive outlook into an irrational, hurtful one.
Answer: summarizing ideas.
It is impossible to write a good summary of any type of information unless you have first read or watched the whole text, video or performance. In order to write a summary, you need to be familiar will all the main ideas of the work. You also need to be familiar with the details, as you need to decide which details are worth including in your summary. A summary is a useful tool when we want to be able to recall the important points of a work later on.
In <em>The Canterbury Tales</em>, Chaucer describes a pilgrimage that was common during medieval times among English Christians: a visit to Canterbury Cathedral to visit the shrine of Saint Thomas Beckett.
In his prologue, the author introduces several pilgrims he claims to have met. Most of these pilgrims are an exaggerated version of a medieval archetype. Therefore, by examining them, we can gain some insight into the issues that were present in medieval society.
For example, the priest is described as the "best one around," and as an extremely pious and honorable man. The nun is similarly praised for her good maners and innocence. This shows the influence that religion had at the time, as the priest is so admired for being a representative of the Church. It also shows that priests and nuns had more access to education and better opportunities in general. That is why the nun is so polite and has such good manners. People not having access to education was a major problem of medieval times.
Another example is the case of the knight and the summoner. While the knight is presented as an example of the perfect man, the summoner is physically repulsive. This gives us some insight into the issue of class and social status of the time. While knights are extremely valued and admired for their work, summoners are seen as dishonest and unethical.
Foster states that "The fact is that we can only love what we know personally" and adds that Tolerance "merely means putting up with people, being able to stand things." It has always been human condition to succumb to feelings of love for an activity, family, a significant other and reject what requires tolerance to the new or the unknown. Foster stands up for tolerance as the means of reconstructing and which might unite races and peoples from the world. Love is enjoying people, things, places, a pleasant state. Tolerance, on the contrary, is to try to love what you do not like. There are many an example or situation in our daily life. Foster says that tolerance is wanted in the queue, at the telephone, perhaps when the boy nobody likes in class participates and expresses his opinion. The attempt to tolerate people can make a meaningful difference.