C. It is important to keep fighting the Civil War in order to preserve the union of the United States. Abraham Lincoln did not want all of the soldiers to have died for nothing.
Pros: Hetch Hetchy is an iconic, rare and spectacular landscape,
Hetch Hetchy is part of Yosemite National Park and its damming and flooding is by far the worst destruction of our national parks have ever experienced
Restoration would not only make Yosemite whole once again it would inspire people that we don’t need to live with mistakes of the past
Cons: Prinstine – Hetch Hetchy Reservoir collects and stores pristine snowmelt and precipitation from the protected Yosemite National Park wilderness area.
No Filtration – Water collected and stored in Hetch Hetchy Reservoir’s granite basin consistently meets and exceeds Federal and State Filtration standards for safe drinking water. No filtration of this source water is necessary or required.
Reliable Water Delivery – The water storage provided by Hetch Hetchy Reservoir is invaluable in its ability to capture snowmelt and store the water for reliable delivery throughout the year and across multiple years. This storage is heavily depended upon during droughts when the natural hydrology is in capable of meeting water needs even when rationing is in place.
Gravity-Driven – The high elevation of Hetch Hetchy Reservoir and the engineering infrastructure of the Regional Water System move water from its source, across the state, and to its customers using little more than gravity.
Renewable, Dependable Electricity – Hetch Hetchy Reservoir, along with the waters retained in Cherry Lake and Lake Eleanor, provide the gravity-drivein water that is transformed into renewable, dependable electricity.”
The speeches that Brutus and Mark Antony deliver differ in several ways. However, one of the most important differences they exhibit is the way in which each speaker addresses the audience.
In the case of Brutus, he decides to appeal to his audience's minds. He speaks in a somewhat impersonal way that suggests that he does not understand the audience deeply. Moreover, his description of the motives of the plot is dry, and it underestimates the connection that the audience felt to Julius Caesar.
On the other hand, Mark Antony seems to understand the crowd better. He uses emotional words that create a more personal relationship. He also focuses on the importance that Julius Caesar had for the audience. This creates a more successful and dramatic speech.